মঙ্গলবার, ১২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৭

Benefits of Rebirth in Avabel Online

Why you should Rebirth in Avabel? here are few benefits you might consider.

First Rebirth:

1. +30 Extra status points.

2. +10% movement speed. (You will need to regain 90lvl or more to get it)

3. Increased HP & SP.

4. Cap for distributed status points in all categories raised by +10.

5. Free Rift 100R per every new rebirth character. (i rebirth 3 character and got 3x100 rift stone).

6. All skills of the Rebirth class, including hidden & passive added in your base skill.

7. Ability to use the Rebirth class skills with any weapon your class can equip.

8. Ability to use same skill twice of the Rebirth class by unlocking it again.

9. Ability to use Ex skill of the class you Rebirth as.(you need to max the class again)


10. Ability to dual wield 2 hand weapons.
11. Access to RE dungeons which give better reward than normal dungeons.

12. x10 damage on RE mobs.

13. Become lvl 31 & status points will be redistributed.


14. More Exp needed to level up than before after each rebirth.

Second Rebirth & onwards:

1. +10 status points.
2. x2 damage to RE mobs.
3. Rest is same as first Rebirth, except no Rift 100R.

Credits goes for this writing: Husban Jawad

If you want to rebirth Quickly then you can use Gold and Rebirth Crystals.

Here you can check the amount you needed:

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